A woman entered a Silpo store and grabbed items from the shelves. She placed the stolen goods into her bag, but was stopped by the store employees while attempting to leave the premises. This is mentioned in the verdict of the Desnyansky District Court of Kyiv, published on April 11, 2024.
On March 5, 2024, the woman at the "Silpo" store of LLC "Silpo-Food" took items from the shelves, specifically: three units of pet food, two flowers, shrimp meat, cream, honey, brisket, teas, blueberries, cream cheese, a biodegradable bag without handles, and cheese, totaling 1,047 hryvnias. She placed them into a bag she had with her and headed towards the exit, but was stopped by the store employees.
During the court hearing, the woman fully admitted her guilt. She provided testimony confirming the alleged events, justifying her actions by her difficult financial situation. Due to a lack of sufficient funds, she took products from the "Silpo" store. She paid for part of the goods, while concealing the remaining items in her bag, thereby bypassing the checkout area in an attempt to steal those items. When confronted by the security guards, she immediately acknowledged her guilt, not attempting to evade responsibility. She assured the court that this was her first offense, and that her apprehension by the store's security would serve as a deterrent against committing further violations.
The court found the woman guilty of committing a criminal offense as stipulated in part 2 of Article 15 and part 4 of Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and sentenced her to 5 years of imprisonment. According to Article 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, she was released from serving the imposed sentence on probation, with a probationary period of 1 year. Based on part 1 of Article 76 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the following obligations were imposed on the convicted: