Thursday02 January 2025

Biden congratulated Democrats on their victory, according to AP.

U.S. President Joe Biden reached out to the Democrats who won elections across various states. Among them are the newly elected senator from Delaware, the governors of Delaware and North Carolina, as well as the mayor of Wilmington.
Байден поздравил демократов с их успехом на выборах, сообщает AP.

US President Joseph Biden congratulated Lisa Blunt Rochester, who became the senator from her home state of Delaware, and Matt Meyer, elected as the governor of the state. Reports UNN citing the Associated Press.


The US President Joe Biden congratulated the Democrats over the phone on their election victory. He called Lisa Blunt Rochester, who became the senator from her home state of Delaware, and Matt Meyer, who was elected as governor. Biden also reached out to former governor John Carney, who was elected mayor of Wilmington.

Additionally, he called Andy Kim, the incoming senator from New Jersey, and Josh Stein, who was elected governor of North Carolina.


During the party on election night, Kamala Harris allegedly imitated a conversation with her voter.