Friday06 December 2024

A police officer in Rivne devised a scheme to easily evade mobilization. Discover how it all ended.

A police officer promised an acquaintance that he would initiate a fictitious criminal case for $1,000. According to him, this would make it impossible for the individual to be drafted into the military.
Полицейский в Ровенской области разработал способ уклонения от мобилизации. Узнайте, чем завершилась его затея.

In the Rivne region, a citizen liable for military service was convicted after a local police officer suggested ways to avoid mobilization. This information is mentioned in the verdict of the Radiviliv District Court dated November 20.

It was noted that on January 26, 2024, an officer from the community interaction sector of the Dubno District Police Department in the Rivne region proposed an illegal scheme to a previously convicted man that could help him evade mobilization. If he failed to respond to the summons and provided the officer with 1,000 US dollars, the law enforcement officer promised to register a fictitious criminal case, which would prevent him from being drafted during mobilization in a special period and from serving in the military.

On January 29, the man received a summons for military service and, following the officer's advice, ignored it.

On February 5, while in the Ternopil region, the draft evader handed the police officer an unlawful benefit for the implementation of the criminal scheme.

According to court documents, during the pre-trial investigation, the suspect admitted his guilt and entered into an agreement with the prosecutor. He was fined 2,500 tax-exempt minimum income units, which amounts to 42,500 UAH.

The court materials do not specify how the police officer was punished for extorting an unlawful benefit.

As a reminder, earlier attorney Rostislav Kravets explained whether employees of the TCC have the right to stop vehicles to deliver summonses.