Friday14 March 2025

The Baltic countries have announced the date for disconnecting from the Russian energy system and synchronizing with the EU.

On February 8, 2025, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will disconnect from the Russian energy system IPS/UPS. The following day, the Baltic states will synchronize with the continental European energy system with the support of the CEF fund.
Страны Балтии назначили дату отключения от российской энергосистемы и перехода на синхронизацию с ЕС.

On February 8, 2025, the energy systems of the Baltic countries will disconnect from the IPS/UPS system and begin joint testing of their energy systems in island mode. Synchronization with the frequency of continental Europe will take place on February 9. This was reported by the company Elering, as conveyed by UNN.

On July 16, the energy systems of the Baltic countries officially notified the operators of the energy systems in Russia and Belarus about their exit from the BRELL agreement (the energy ring of Belarus - Russia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania), under which Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania had been part of a unified synchronous zone managed by Russia since Soviet times.

The operator of the national electricity and natural gas transmission system, Elering, stated that synchronization will enhance the connection between transmission systems and electricity markets in the European Union, allowing the energy systems of the Baltic countries to operate based on unified and transparent European rules.

The synchronization will be supported by the "Connecting Europe" (CEF) fund with approximately €1.2 billion, covering up to 75% of the total cost of the large project.


The electricity transmission system operators of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania made a Decision in 2023 to disconnect from the Russia-controlled system and synchronize with the continental European network. The corresponding agreement was signed on August 2. However, the exact date was only announced on November 29 of this year.