Wednesday12 February 2025

In Kyiv, fans of Russian music blocked traffic to smoke, while police work to identify them (video).

Blogger Denis Koshelnik claims that the video features children of influential parents who travel around the capital accompanied by law enforcement.
В Киеве поклонники русской музыки заблокировали дорогу для курения. Полиция работает над установлением их личностей (видео)

A group of young individuals blocked traffic in the center of Kyiv to smoke while listening to Russian music near the "Lawn of National Memory" memorial at Independence Square, claims blogger Denis Koshelnik. He posted a video compilation of the incidents on his Instagram page.

The video shows the young men cutting off cars on the road, speeding, filming videos to Russian music while passing by the "Lawn of National Memory," throwing money around, and posing with weapons. They also allegedly blocked the roadway in the city center to smoke.

"In Kyiv, there’s this 'herd of teenagers' who boldly feel entitled to block traffic just to smoke," the blogger wrote.

He asserts that this "golden youth" is being accompanied by law enforcement officers.

"I wanted to ask law enforcement how this is possible, but then I saw that it’s these same law enforcement officers providing them with escort services. The question remains: whose children are these that allow themselves such behavior during a war?" Koshelnik questioned.

The identities of the individuals in the video are currently unknown. The National Police of Kyiv stated on their Facebook page that they are working to establish their identities. They announced that "A video has circulated online showing a group of young people blocking traffic on the city streets while listening to Russian music. Currently, the police are determining when the incident occurred and identifying all participants to hold them accountable," the statement reads.

русская музыка, полиция Киева, перекрывали движение в Киеве, реакция полиции

Additionally, on January 10, a video surfaced online depicting a conflict between a war veteran and a law enforcement officer, during which police representatives knocked a veteran with a prosthetic leg to the ground.