In Odessa, children became stranded on a ride due to a power outage, requiring emergency services to rescue them from a height of 18 meters. This was reported on Facebook by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Odessa region.
Rescuers, along with park staff, helped four children down from the attraction. Using safety ropes, they lowered the children via an emergency ladder, and psychologists from the State Emergency Service also provided assistance.
"Fortunately, no one was injured," the rescuers noted.
According to local media, the ride in Shevchenko Park stopped due to a power outage in the city. The publication "Dumska" emphasizes that this is not the first incident related to power outages at this park. During the initial blackouts in 2022, it "shone like a Christmas tree in the middle of a dark city."
The management claimed that the entertainment complex was powered by powerful gasoline generators located nearby in containers. Now, the whereabouts of these generators remain unknown.
It should be noted that there is still a deficit in Ukraine's energy system. Both generation facilities and power grids are under significant strain.