After 10 PM on December 31, Telegram users experienced significant disruptions in the operation of the popular messaging app. It is still unclear how long it will take to resolve the issues and what caused the outage. Users are being urged to remain calm.
According to Downdetector, the main problems included the inability to load the app, lack of connection to the servers, interruptions in message sending, and difficulties with the call function.
The Telegram team has not yet provided official comments regarding the causes of the outage or the possible time frame for restoring the service. Users are encouraged to stay calm and await the resolution of the technical issues.
On December 31, Telegram channels of Russian state media became unavailable in European countries due to violations of local legislation. The blocking affected channels such as "RIA Novosti," RT, "Russia 1," and others in seven European countries.
On November 1, the messaging app Telegram released a series of updates primarily focused on media. Now, users can add images, music, and videos to previously sent messages by editing them. Additionally, video loading speeds have been increased and quality has been optimized.