Before the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2021 and 2022, Kyiv requested two things from its Western allies. Neither was provided, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Overall, he described the actions of Western countries prior to the war with the word "bullshit."
The president made this statement during a three-hour interview with American podcaster Lex Fridman. According to him, before the start of the Russian invasion, there were too many predictions, even more words, and zero actions. Zelensky added that he had reached out to allies before the war, asking them to do something.
"If you have evidence, if you are talking to him and he says there will be an invasion, and if that scares you. I'm not asking for evidence, just give me two things — arm us, or better yet, strengthen us with conditions so that there is no invasion," he noted.
He stated that the focus was primarily on preventive sanctions against Russia, which could have frightened Putin and made him reconsider. But even that, the allies failed to do. No assistance was provided, yet there were plenty of words.
"Please don't say that 'if he comes, if he crosses the borders, if he starts killing, we will impose sanctions.' That's bullshit, sorry," he concluded.
It is worth noting that recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave his first major interview in 2025. He conducted it during the National Telethon "Unified News." In the interview, Zelensky spoke about his expectations from newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump, when the war will end, and what will happen at the front.